Case Statement
First Baptist Church Dadeville (FBCD): Renovated/Expanded Children’s Wing
The Strategic Planning Team (SPT) was appointed by Dr. Ben Hayes, Senior Pastor, in early 2018 to:
● Develop a mission/vision statement that encapsulates what FBCD believes God would have our church be and do.
● Evaluate current programs and personnel and recommend changes or updates for the purpose of alignment to the mission/vision statement.
● Evaluate existing facilities for better utilization in the present and to plan for expansion in the future.
● Propose new committees, programs and ministries that will meet the needs of our membership and the community around us.
● Identify other strategic initiatives that may present themselves during the tenure of the SPT.
After considering survey responses from our church family, the SPT recommended and the church approved a Mission and Vision Statement (shown at the end of this document) and the following prioritized potential projects:
● Phase I: Children’s Wing – Consolidate all existing spaces for children into a renovated/expanded children’s wing with emphasis on safety and security.
● Phase II: Fellowship Hall – Expand the existing fellowship hall or construct a new one.
● Phase III: Sanctuary – Increase the capacity of the sanctuary.
Project Details for Phase I
The renovated/expanded children’s wing has been consistently identified over the past five years as one of the church’s top priorities for facility improvement and expansion. Recognizing that God has blessed our church with continued growth of our children’s department and in an effort to be proactive and prepared when the timing is right, as well as to address the SPT’s priorities in a more comprehensive and professional manner, the SPT recommended and the church approved the engagement of a professional architect to work with the SPT, focusing primarily on Phase I, the Children’s Wing.
Over a period of several months, a professional architect worked initially with a subcommittee of the SPT, and later with the entire SPT, to develop a scope of work and a tentative project budget. The scope of work, as now conceived, includes the consolidation of all existing spaces for children into a renovated/expanded children’s wing, a new secure entry with controlled access into the children’s wing, a new nursery, renovation of existing children’s classrooms, relocation of the existing choir room to accommodate displaced adult Sunday School classes, new restrooms, and a new elevator. Subject to completion of final plans and working drawings, the total estimated cost for this project is currently $2.3 million.
At a called church conference on February 22, 2023, the church voted and approved the project with 87% affirmative support. When fully funded and completed, this approved project will enable FBCD to move into the future with modern, safe, and secure spaces for its growing children’s programs.
Biblical Principles of Generosity
We acknowledge that God is the owner and giver of all things and that, as stewards, we have the opportunity and responsibility to manage the gifts that God has given us. The level of our generosity should not be based on the need of the church but on our need to gratefully respond to God’s blessings. The church is committed to approaching this effort to raise funds from a perspective of Christian stewardship, with a desire that every member be challenged to grow in this area of discipleship and experience the joy of generosity.
Closing Statement
Your participation in this project is of utmost importance to the future of FBCD as it will result in a safe and secure environment for our children as they grow in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It will also enable FBCD to better fulfill its mission and vision to meet, grow, and serve together.
We take the Biblical command to gather together in worship of our King seriously.
Our time of corporate worship is the primary expression of our unity in Christ.
We do this because we share a common hope in the Redeemer who has bought us with His blood.
Jesus charges all his disciples not only to place their faith in Him, but to obey Him in all areas of life.
Through our Bible studies and small groups, we seek to grow in our obedience to the Word of God and fellowship with one another.
We are grateful that God has given us a local church family to encourage, strengthen, and challenge us to grow.
Our Savior did not come to be served, but to serve us by laying down His own life.
We seek to follow his example as we pour out our own time, energy, and resources in service to our community and the nations.
Because we are saved by a faith that displays itself in service to others, we desire to see every member of FBCD engaged in ministry to others.
Won’t you join us on Vision 2026 as we pray, “Lord, what do You want to do through me?”